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GRATIS,, SEO Auditor Tool

Audit SEO memang kita perlukan utk check and re-check sana sini demi pengoptimalan SEO Onpage kita. Krn kadang setelah web selesai dan kita sibuk optimasi OffPage, kita ga sadar ternyata On Pagenya banyak yg belum bener dr segi SEO Friendly nya.

Oleh sebab itulah sebagian orang ada yg memakai jasa SEO Audit, tp klw memang punya basic ilmu SEO, ada baiknya memakai tools SEO Auditor lalu mmperbaikinya sesuai analisa tools tersebut.
Dgn tools ini insyaAllah ktia akan memperoleh analisa dr segi :

  • Errors – Client & server errors (No responses, 4XX, 5XX)
  • Redirects – (3XX, permanent or temporary)
  • External Links – All followed links and their subsequent status codes
  • URI Issues – Non ASCII characters, underscores, uppercase characters, dynamic uris, long over 115 characters
  • Duplicate Pages – Hash value / MD5checksums lookup for pages with duplicate content
  • Page Title – Missing, duplicate, over 65 characters, short, pixel width truncation, same as h1, or multiple
  • Meta Description – Missing, duplicate, over 156 characters, short, pixel width truncation or multiple
  • Meta Keywords – Mainly for reference as it’s only (barely) used by Yahoo.
  • H1 – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, multiple
  • H2 – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, multiple
  • Meta Robots – Index, noindex, follow, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet, noodp, noydir etc
  • Meta Refresh – Including target page and time delay
  • Canonical link element & canonical HTTP headers
  • X-Robots-Tag
  • rel=“next” and rel=“prev”
  • File Size
  • Page Depth Level
  • Inlinks – All pages linking to a URI
  • Outlinks – All pages a URI links out to
  • Anchor Text – All link text. Alt text from images with links
  • Follow & Nofollow – At link level (true/false)
  • Images – All URIs with the image link & all images from a given page. Images over 100kb, missing alt text, alt text over 100 characters
  • User-Agent Switcher – Crawl as Googlebot, Bingbot, Yahoo! Slurp, mobile user-agents or your own custom UA.
  • Redirect Chains – Discover redirect chains and loops.
  • Custom Source Code Search – The spider allows you to find anything you want in the source code of a website! Whether that’s analytics code, specific text, or code etc. (Please note – This is not a data extraction or scraping feature yet.)
  • XML Sitemap Generator – You can create a basic XML sitemap using the SEO spider.

Kalau ane ditanya biasa pake tools ini buat apa??

Ane mah lebih suka gunakan tools ini utk chek segala analisa yg berkaitan dgn "duplicate content" dan segala hal ttg "missing" yg akan ktia temukan laporannya di sebelah kanan tools ini setelah 100% proses analisa selesai.

Oke dah, tanpa panjang lebar, silahkan dicoba sndiri. terserah mw dipake utk website kita, ngintip analisa SEO Kompetitor atau dipake buat buka jasa SEO Audit. hehehe

Silahkan ke tekapeh, versi gratisannya dapAt menganalisa hingga 500 url alias cocok utk analisa website Bisnis (kalau web autoblog mah ga cocok krn biasanya dah lebih dr 1000 artikel 1 web)

Download >>

Semoga bermanfat,,,!!

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